Monday, October 27, 2008

Robot and Zombie Kick

There's this great store near Seattle in Ballard called Archie McPhee that carries a ton of little trinkety items, and I noticed they had these great, cheap little alien toys and zombie finger puppets. For cheap little items that only cost a few cents to produce, they have really fun designs, with lots of personality in their little faces and body language.

I'm pretty sure the alien designs are from a Japanese superhero show, either Ultraman or Masked Rider, I'm not sure which. The zombies seem to be completely original designs. Wouldn't it be cool to be the guy that's hired to design these ugly little cusses?
Here's a few of the little bastards that have taken up the corners of my Moleskine:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Overdue Post Means a Dump of Stuff - 10/26

Finally I have a scanner, so there's going to be a major amount of stuff hitting this page now. First up, a few images from my Moleskine I've been trying to fill up on a regular basis:

I'm hoping that, in addition to posting sketchbook work, I'll also be able to use this little corner of the internet for posting more "finished" work, as well as studies and my own little musings about whatever may come into my head.